Tag: Writing

Maungarei Poem

LI: To write a poem about Mt Wellington/Maungarei


In this activity we wrote a poem about Mt Wellington/Maungarei. We first went up to Maungarei to find what we heard, what we saw, what we felt and what we wondered. I heard the blair of the honking traffic down below my feet, would this today be the same as the crackling shells under my enemy’s feet? I saw our whenua and land that we live on, if we turn back the clocks we would all the trees that stand tall and surround us today be in our sight? I felt the dynamic atmosphere once I reached the top, as I felt surrounded by the ancestors and taonga of this area and I wondered if the rough winds would carry me away into the past, would it bring our ancestors to the present day and would we get lost in the past?

I enjoyed this activity because I wrote a poem about Maugnarei.

Abstract Noun

LI: To write a poem using abstract noun

In this activity we found a word that we me and my partner chose. We wrote a poem that had the different senses. The senses are olfactory, Gustory, Visual, Tactile, Auditory. My poem was Wealth is a flexible item in others mind, it could form in your thoughts as money, fame, and family, wealth is a tree able to grow or get leveled down. wealth taste like success, fresh out of riches. wealth feels like achievements, that keeps on growing. Wealth sounds like an empowering sounds of cheer and acknowledgement. Wealth smells like a rose, plucked from your childhood bush.

Personification – Stairs

LI: to understand the 5 senses can be used to strengthen a description.

Our challenge was to co construct a text using the olfactory (Smell), auditory (Sound), gustatorial (Taste), visual (See) and kinethetic (Movement) senses to describe the story behind the Stairs in this image. This time we were able to speak and sat facing our partners. I think that this time was a lot easier because we got to communicate with eachother

Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense and had met the language feature challenge.

I found this activity enjoable because this time we could write the same ideas.

These Shoes Have a Story to Tell

LI: To use the 5 senses and personification to help us paint a picture with words 

LI: To understand that personification is to give an inanimate object human qualities

Our challenge was to co construct a text using personification and the senses to describe the story behind the shoes in this image. We sat back to back and weren’t able to talk. I thought that was the hardest part. Half way through Mrs Anderson challenged us to include a rhetorical question and a simile or metaphor which made our writing even better.

Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense. 

After that part of the challenge was finished we used the punctuation points game to tally how points we got. We marked eachother’s punctuation against the points table. We then had a chance to check our own work against the points table. That was fun because every point our partners missed menat we could take a point off theirs.

I found this activity exciting because my partner kept on changing the course of the story.

Procedural Writing

LI: To write a set of clear instructions that show how to make a hangi.


Title: How to Make a Hangi

A Hangi is a traditional Maori underground cooking method.


Materials & Equipment:

  • Shovel
  • Volcanic Stones
  • Clothes
  • Lighter
  • Metal baskets
  • Corrugated iron
  • Paper
  • Twigs
  • Trays


  • Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, taro leaves, kumara, potatoes, pumpkins.
  • Meats (Pork, chicken, beef, lamb.
  • Stuffing


  1. Dig a pit that is 4 feet deep and a little bigger than the basket.
  2. Make a stack that includes woods, stones, twigs, and leaves.
  3. Light the stack on fire for 3 – 5 hours
  4. Put all the food in a food basket while the fire is burning.
  5. After 3 – 5 hours remove everything except the stones.
  6. Wet the cloth and add it on top of the stones.
  7. Then add wet sacks and cover the pit in dirt.
  8. After 3 hours carefully scrape all the dirt off.
  9. Peel the sacks and cloths off.
  10. Finally carefully remove the trays of food and prepare the food for dinner.


               SAFETY MESSAGE

Keep hangi attended this is because of fire hazards 

Have at least 4 or more people helping. 

If the Hangis flame is too powerful ask for help.

Keep the hangi away from builds.

Lift the food with others.

Be careful about the tray because it is very hot.

Be careful taking off the stack because it’s heavy and hot.


Today we unpacked how to follow and write a set of instructions. To do this effectively your instructions need to be explicit and the steps to follow ordered. Each step begins with an instructional verb and should be written in a way that is easy to understand,

I enjoyed drawing a picture and trying to tell my partner how to draw the exact thing. This is because it was challanging to try and draw the same thing.

A Momment In Time

LI: To recount and explore the learning and experiences from our Year 7/8 camp

Our group wrote a poem based on our senses like auditory, tactile, visual, and kinesthetic. We used our prior knowledge of the senses and unpacked different words and ideas that describes the Hunua Falls. These moment in time poems represent our experience at Kokako Lodge. One of our ideas were I wondered anxiously if I would capsize into the deep dark temperate murky water below, imagining being swallowed by the mysterious water gives me the shivers. we then used word hippo to find more powerful words to strengthen our poems. 

I found this activity intresting because I used words qto describe what it was felt like doing the camp activites.

Explanation Writing

LI: To understand the structure and language features in an explanation

To upset someone is to make them disappointed, unhappy or worried. In the story GoldiLocks and the three bears Goldilocks makes some unwise decisions to trespass and use other people’s things. Have you ever made someone feel blue before?

GoldiLocks did not want to make anyone feel blue. She didn’t want to be curious but she could not put her mind off it so she barged in without knowing the consequences. When she went inside she didn’t want to eat their food but the smell of porridge was just too good so she tasted their food and destroyed their furniture and went to sleep in their bed.

Barging into people’s houses, trespassing and breaking their things can be a crime and it will bring you to jail or will be an expensive fine. It also shows dishonesty, cruelty and in result it will be added to your criminal record.

In all religions stealing is a sin and if it keeps on going it will result in not spending eternity with God. The consequence of stealing and lying is jail time.

To help us understand how to write an explanation we looked at the purpose, the structure (what it looks like) and the language features. An explanation tells us how or why something is the way it is. To help us understand this we learnt about cause and effect. Cause and effect is an action and a reaction. We used the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears to help us understand this. Here is our explanation that describes how Goldilocks upset the Bear family.


Writting My Own Story.

I created my own story.

First we brainstormed ideas. I found a good title called The Hunter.

Next I planned the my story out.

Then I drew a book cover.

Then I wrote my story. My story was about “Sefa, could you go hunting for us please?” Said Papalili. “Ok” said Sefa. Sefa goes to hunt in the woods. “Sefa, could you go hunting for us please?” Said Papalili. “Ok” said Sefa. Sefa goes to hunt in the woods.  He was the most vicious, most dangerous, most untrustworthy villain in the world. He tried to grab a stick and tried to grab the key to unlock the cell. He unlocked the cell and found an item that will make him a superhuman. He goes and trains a lot to make sure he has so much power that he can defeat Dominos. He trained for 3 months. His dad starts to worry so he calls the police to do a full search on where he was last seen. Sefa went to fight Dominos. He fights him and beats him with a powerful move. He goes back to his house and does not see his dad so he just waits until he gets back. Sefa Thought he defeated dominos but he didn’t he broke through the ground. Sefa saw him and wanted to defeat him again but there were two of them. Dominos and Pizza Hut. Dominos and Pizza hut formed together to make a giant villain. He needed more power so he battled them. He cut their legs and took their power. He kept on hurting them until he got all their power. He finally defeated him and he dropped his soul. He threw the earth’s core.

I enjoyed this activity because I created my own story. I need to improve on adding more speech marks. I did well at figuring out a title.

Comment Thread

Commenting is a conversation about learning in the blog. There are many steps to make a decent comment. Those are greetings, Positive comments, Helpful comments, Thoughtful comments, making connections, adding more information and asking questions.

The greeting is to start that comment.

The positive comment is to say something nice about that blog.

The helpful comment is what to improve on the blog.

The thoughtful comment is to say another nice thing about the comment. 

To make a connection is to see if the blogger and the reader did the same thing.

Adding more information is just adding more on what to improve on.

The ask a question is just to ask the question to the blogger.

Commenting can improve writing.


Narritive Story

The structure of a narritive is TOPES. Title, Orentation, Problem, Explaination, Solution.

My title was Spiderman No Way Home, My Orentation is Spiderman is sitting on a light pole, My problem is Mysterio reveals who Spiderman is, My events is he goes to Dr Strange to cast a spell so everyone forgot who Peter Parker was. Dr Strange was doing the spell but then spiderman kept on tampering with the spell so everything exploded. Dr Strange caught the magic in a ball. Then from every single universe that knows Peter Parker Came to Dr Strange’s universe. Spider Man finds 2 other Spider Mans from other universes, My solution is they try to cure them.

The structure of a narritive is TOPES.