Year: 2023

Word Building

LI: To build words from a base word using prefixes and suffixes.

This week we have been learning how words are built from a base word using suffixes and prefixes. A base word is a complete word by itself that changes when you add a prefix or suffix. A prefix is letters placed before the root word to change the words meaning. A prefix The suffixs is letters placed after the root word to change the words meaning. Our challenge is to see how many words we could make from one base word. In this DLO the word we used was ‘excite’.

The prefix over+ the base word, excite= overexcite which means to be more than normally enthusiastic.

We found this activity enjoying because I tested putting prefixes such as un or over and suffixs such as ed, ing and ly.

What is a River?

LI:To identify and describe the features of the Tamaki River.

This week we have been learning about what rivers are, their unique attributes and how to label them. We then created a DLO about the Tamaki river and its history. Did you know that the Tamaki River is 15 km long. Using our knowledge that we learnt, we showed the features of the Tamaki river using an aerial map. We then compared the Tamaki River with the Mississippi River. Our group chose to look at the Mississippi River because most of the students in LS2 were picking the Nile and the Amazon so our group decided that we were going to pick a river that was famous and no one else was using. Finally we made a comparison of the two rivers. Did you know that the Mississippi River is 4 times as large? The Mississippi River is 3,766km long which is 2,320 miles.

We found this activity interesting because we learnt about the many types of water sources such as, Lakes, reservoirs, Rivers, Dams, Ponds and many more.

Explanation Writing

LI: To understand the structure and language features in an explanation

To upset someone is to make them disappointed, unhappy or worried. In the story GoldiLocks and the three bears Goldilocks makes some unwise decisions to trespass and use other people’s things. Have you ever made someone feel blue before?

GoldiLocks did not want to make anyone feel blue. She didn’t want to be curious but she could not put her mind off it so she barged in without knowing the consequences. When she went inside she didn’t want to eat their food but the smell of porridge was just too good so she tasted their food and destroyed their furniture and went to sleep in their bed.

Barging into people’s houses, trespassing and breaking their things can be a crime and it will bring you to jail or will be an expensive fine. It also shows dishonesty, cruelty and in result it will be added to your criminal record.

In all religions stealing is a sin and if it keeps on going it will result in not spending eternity with God. The consequence of stealing and lying is jail time.

To help us understand how to write an explanation we looked at the purpose, the structure (what it looks like) and the language features. An explanation tells us how or why something is the way it is. To help us understand this we learnt about cause and effect. Cause and effect is an action and a reaction. We used the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears to help us understand this. Here is our explanation that describes how Goldilocks upset the Bear family.


Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To explore the world in 1840 and the art of the Treaty

This week we looked at the what the world was like in 1840. Did you know that Maori were forced out of there homes by the pakeha

After this we identified some of the key people and their role in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. I found it interesting that Henry Williams and his son were translators and translated the treaty from English to Maori. We then used the information from both of these activities to help us read a painting of the day the treaty was signed. We used our knowledge to infer what the artist Marcus King might have wanted us to think was happening. 

I found this really interesting because I could infer who the special people are on the picture that Marcus King Painted and have an understanding of who these people are.

However the image above was painted by Marcus King in 1938 it is his impression of the day the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.

Basic Facts Challenge

Today we began our basic facts challenge. The purpose of this challenge is to increase the speed we can recall these facts as this knowledge will help us when we are working with larger numbers.

First I chose multiplacation ordered because I’m not that good at my multiplacation and it would be easy to get through.

Next I timed myself to see how fast I could solve multiplacation. Next time I need to go to a challenging level.

My time today was 3 minetus My goal for next time is to practise my multiplacation random To achiev this I will need to practise my times table every night for 10 minutes to get better.