Tangram l Summer Learning Journey

Our challenge was to create 4 tangrams. I challenged myself and did 4 advanced Tangrams whcih was really challenging to do. I did the scorpion, shark, football player and a building. I think these were all the hardest as they took me for a very long time.

This activity was enjoyable as I created 4 challenging Tangrams.


One thought on “Tangram l Summer Learning Journey

  1. Malo e lelei Riley,

    This is another example of a fun maths activity that involved my favourite strand of maths, geometry!! I think you did an incredible job on this activity, your description explained the task beautifully.

    I think you did another awesome job on this post and it is great to hear that you enjoyed creating your tangram objects even though they were a bit challenging and time consuming. Your building is definitely my favourite, what building do you think it is based on?

    It is great to see you participating in the summer learning journey again this year and I look forward to seeing more of your awesome posts, keep up the great work!

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

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