Category: Ako | Learn


I learnt how to write explaination. The structure of an explaination is TIES.

First I planned my explanation. My explanation was about how rain works

Next I wrote my explanation. My explanation is Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that come down from the sky. 

The condensation moves to a cloud and the vapour gets thicker and thicker and then the rain falls and in the river then it moves to the sea then the evaporation moves to the clouds then it restarts over again. The rain gets heavy enough to fall under the gravity. Rain is made up out of water, Evapouration, Condensation and clouds. This is what is needed for rain to be formed. Rain can harm people by raining so much that there will be a flood and hail. Hail will hurt people so as a flood. Rain comes down fast or slow. hard or soft depending on the colour of the clouds if the clouds are light grey it will rain soft and slow. If the clouds were dark grey it will rain hard and fast.

I enjoyed this activity because I wrote a explanation. I did well on using the structure of the explanation. I need to improve on making sure to write a explanation and not a recount.



I learnt how to step.

First we were demonstrated what stepping is. Stepping is when it looks like your going one way but then you sharp turn the other way and have a clear to victory.

Next we played a stepping relay race. We had to touch the wall. The point of the game is to be the first team to sit on the ground. We had to step two cones.

Then we played mini stuck in the mud octopus. The square was small because we wanted to step people. If you got tagged you had to stay there and a person had to go under your legs.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to step. I did well on stepping people. I need to improve on running faster.


Comparing Mass

I learnt that their are objects with different mass.

First I compared a pen vs a cube. I predicted that the pen would have more mass then the cube. My prediction was correct the pen had more mass then the cube.

Next I compared a pen vs a green cylinder. I predicted that the cylinder would have more mass. My prediction was incorrect the pen had more mass.

Lastly I compared a pen with a leaf. I predicted that the pen was going to win. My prediction was correct the pen had more mass.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt about mass. I need to improve predicting which mass would be heavier. I did well at picking lighter objects.

Ovberservable and Literal Information

Ovberservable information is something that can be seen directly. Literal information is information that is printied or writen down

Ovberservable information can be seen without guessing extra information. For example, in the first slide there is water.

The first slide is water with rocks do not know where it is.

The second slide is a field with 2 teams they are playing football and we do not know how they feel.

The third slide is at a playground and the boy is climing. There are three kids and the girl is swinging.

The fourth slide is a old women completed small errands for farmers and she got a plate of meat and a cup of tea. There is a big black pot by the side if the road. there is gold pieces in the big black pot.


Fact Find

We created a slide to show facts about a drum.

First I choose a drum to find facts about. I chose the djembe drum because djembe drum has interesting facts and it is easy to make an find information that I need.

Next I filled in information about a introduction about the djembe drum, five facts about the djembe drum, images about the djembe drum and where we got the information from.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt some new facts about the djembe drum. Did you know that the djembe drum can take a week to 3 months to make?. I did well on find facts about the djembe drum. I need to improve on writing a introduction.



We tested ourselves to see what we know.

First we chose the maths level that we were on. If you were a year 4 you would be in stage 5. If you were a year 5 you would be in stage 6. If you were in year 6 you would be stage 7.

Next we timed ourselves to see if we were fast and how many questions we would get right. Then we did sheet to see how many questions we would get correct and how many questions we would get.

Then we wrote the wrong questions into our books so we could learn our mistakes

I think I did well on the sheet because I could answer the question with out a timer and it would let me think about the questions.

I need to improve on practsing more so i can learn them off by heart

I enjoyed this activty beacause I tested myself to see if I know stage 7 maths. I need to improve on practising so I can learn the times table off by heart. I did well on the sheet because I had more time.

South Pasific Beats

We learnt to connect a book to our prior knowledge.

First we used our prior knowledge and looked at a text. Prior knowledge is what you know before reading a text.

Next we predicted about what was going to be in the text

Lastly we Linked what we made with our prior knowledge with the text.

I enjoyed this activty because I learnt to connect a book to my prior knowledge. I did well on predtions. I need to improve on connecting a book to my prior knowledge.




We learnt to identify simple unit fractions.

First we matched the fractions with the right symbol.

Next we matched the equivalent fractions. We oredered the fractions that were even. We also order them from smallest number to biggest number.

Lastly we answered 2 questions. We had to draw a picture that answered the question. We also wrote the question in numbers and wrote the question in a sentence.

I enjoyed this activty because I learnt fractions. I need to improve on matching the equivalent fractions. I did well on matching the fraction with the symbol.



We learnt what is the appropriate clothes to wear at school.

First we disscused what is the correct uniform for school.

The correct uniform is. Black shoes, gray polo shirt, gray shorts or skorts, black hair tie, blue mainfreight hat or LS2 cap and LS2 jackets.

The incorret uniform to wear is White Shoes, Any color shirt, any color socks, Any other coloured shorts or skorts, Red hair tie, Other colours and a Black Jacket.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt what the corret uniform for school is. I need to improve on having the correct uniform on. I did well on what the correct uniform is.



Compound Sentence

We learnt how to write a compound sentence. A compound sentence is 2 simple sentences combind together with the use of a fanboy.

First we revised our states. The states are simple present, simple continuous and simple future.

Next we wrote a compound sentence about the picture that was shown. We wrote 2 actors, 2 verbs and a fanboy.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt what a coumpound sentence is. I did well on revising the states. I think I need to improve on writing a compound