Cultrual Stories

I learnt new cultural stories.

First we chose a book to find out where the book comes from, the main charecters, the events and what message the story gives.

Next we chose a book. The book was Rua and Te Manu. The main charecter is Rua, The country is New Zealand. The events were Tangaroa took te manu and made him a statue. Then rua set fire to tangaroa house and killed his fish. The message was to give thanks for the food.

Lastly we chose a book. the book was called The Battle of the Mountains. The country is New Zealand. The events were 2 men fighting in the mountains while the gods look below. Taranaki and Tongariro fighting against other people. The message is love and being brave.

I enjoyed this activity becuase I learnt new culturul stories. I need to improve on reading more stories. I did well at learning new facts about the story.

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