Month: December 2023

Comic Strip l Summer Learning Journey

Our challenge was to create a comic strip that was involved around the beach. Me and my Partners  story was about a fight between the seagulls and crabs and eventually the crabs and birds found peace and returned the crabs back to the water. Our story was called Cirdtastic because ird from bird and c from crab. I think this story was very creative because of the character and storyline.

This activity was exciting because I created a comic strip.


Nemesis l Summer Learning Journey

Last time our challenge was to create a superhero that was involved around our culture. Now we have to create a nemesis that shows our charecters weakness. My supervillian can eat anything he wants, Lazar eyes, can make a army of chickens. He can also run superfast, Has egg bombs, live in Apia, Samoa, Side kicks are Chickens and the challenges he faces is that he fears KFC due to the amount of chicken being cooked

This activty was exciting because I created a supervillian that was based around my culture.

Cultrual Superhero – Summer Learning Journey

Our challenge was to create a superhero that was involved around our culture. My superhero is called Captain Rock and is based around the Niuean culture. My superhero has superhuman abillites and invisibilty, He ride a coconut car, He lives in Niue and the challenge he faces is that he lacks of oxygen when he is near a group of crabs.

This activty was exciting because I created a super that was based around my culture.