Comic Strip l Summer Learning Journey

Our challenge was to create a comic strip that was involved around the beach. Me and my Partners  story was about a fight between the seagulls and crabs and eventually the crabs and birds found peace and returned the crabs back to the water. Our story was called Cirdtastic because ird from bird and c from crab. I think this story was very creative because of the character and storyline.

This activity was exciting because I created a comic strip.


3 thoughts on “Comic Strip l Summer Learning Journey

  1. Kia ora Riley,

    Miss Pryde here. I’m part of the Summer Learning Journey commenting team this summer so I’ll be checking in regularly to see all the awesome mahi you do. I notice you have posted a few different blogs already, what a great start to the Summer Learning Journey.

    I enjoyed reading your comment. I liked your use of the word army to indicate there were a lot of crabs and seagulls. I also enjoyed how the comic finished, the army of seagulls returning the army of crabs back to the ocean and away from the people. Nobody likes to be nipped at by a crab do they. Have you ever had a crab nip at your toes?

    I look forward to following your learning journey this summer and seeing all the cool activities you get up to.

    Tino pai to mahi Riley,
    Miss Pryde

    1. Kia Ora,

      Miss Pryde thank you for commening on my post and no a crab has not nipped me but I wonder how it would feel relaxing or painful. A crab almost nipped me when I was in Niue but I got away quickly.


      1. Kia ora Riley,

        Thank you for your response, I love it when people reply to my comments. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I have only just stumbled across your response.

        I have been nipped by a crab or two and to be honest it doesn’t necessarily hurt, it is more of a fright. Crabs aren’t really out there to hurt us, it is more a warning from the crab so we don’t stand on the crab.

        How cool you went to Nuie. When did you go there? What was it like? I’ve just come back from Fiji but would love to go to Nuie too.

        Miss Pryde

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