Day: December 20, 2023

Rebus Puzzle Step It Up l Summer Learning Journey

Our challenge was to use emojis to say a secret word. My word was christmas. This took me along time to find words that would fit my word but at the end I got it. I thought this word was good because it was tied around with christmas.

This activity was enjoyable as I made a secret word.

Rebus Puzzle l Summer Learning Journey

My story is : When I went to Niue I almost got a 🎒of 🥥’s  but came 🥈in a race around our village. I went to the 🏖️ and went  🏊ing and went 🎣in the rock pools. I ended up catch 2 🐟 which I think is a great amount. Altogether we caught 12 🐟.

Our challenge was tell a story but express it in emojis. My story was about me going to Niue and coming 2nd in a race around villiage. I was super out of breath when I fnished the race. My story was also about me going rock fishing and catching 2 fishing.

This activity was enjoyable as I expressed my story in emojis