Year: 2022


We learnt to identify simple unit fractions.

First we matched the fractions with the right symbol.

Next we matched the equivalent fractions. We oredered the fractions that were even. We also order them from smallest number to biggest number.

Lastly we answered 2 questions. We had to draw a picture that answered the question. We also wrote the question in numbers and wrote the question in a sentence.

I enjoyed this activty because I learnt fractions. I need to improve on matching the equivalent fractions. I did well on matching the fraction with the symbol.


T Ball Skills

We learnt about the different T ball skills. The skills that we leanrt were hitting, throwing and running.

First the warm up game was noondle tag. In noodle there are 2 people with a noodle the taggers have to tag the people on there legs and the people that got tagged had to lift one leg raise there hand and a any other teamate has to high five you to get you back into the game.

Next we praticed our running bewteen the bases by playing a relay race.

Laslty we practise hitting the ball. We hit the ball off a tee.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt a new sport to play. I did well on hitting the ball. I need to improve on catching the ball.

Complex Sentence

We learnt how to write complex sentence.

First we learnt what a complex sentence is. A complex sentence has  a independant clause and a depenendent clause with an aaawwuubis.

Next we learnt what a dependant clause and what a independant clause is. A dependant clause has a conjuction stuck on to the sentence. A independent clause is a simple sentence which can be understood on its own.

Lastly we made a two cell comic using pictures to relate to each part of our complex sentence.

I enjoyed this activty because I learnt how to write a complex. I did well on making a complex sentence. I need to improve on identifying what a dependent clause is.


We learnt what is the appropriate clothes to wear at school.

First we disscused what is the correct uniform for school.

The correct uniform is. Black shoes, gray polo shirt, gray shorts or skorts, black hair tie, blue mainfreight hat or LS2 cap and LS2 jackets.

The incorret uniform to wear is White Shoes, Any color shirt, any color socks, Any other coloured shorts or skorts, Red hair tie, Other colours and a Black Jacket.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt what the corret uniform for school is. I need to improve on having the correct uniform on. I did well on what the correct uniform is.



Anzac Day Quatrefoil

I used a anzac day design on a quatrefoil.

First we learnt when and what is anzac day. Anzac day is a commemoration for the soldiers that made a sacrifice for our country.

I made the background red because it show justice.

I put a sword in a rock because I think it it shows someones sacrifice.

I put 4 crosses on each side because I think it shows someones death.

I enjoyed this activity because I designed a quatrefoil as a anzac day design. I need to improve on my layout. I did well on choosing the picture ideas.

Revising and Learn Hockey Skills

We revised and learned new hockey skills.

First we revised how to grip the hockey stick and how to dribble side to side.

Next we learned the standard dribble, the upright stop, jab and the upright pass.

Lastly we raced with our partners using both dribbles.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt some new hockey skills. I did well on jab. I think I need to improve on my upright stop.

Compound Sentence

We learnt how to write a compound sentence. A compound sentence is 2 simple sentences combind together with the use of a fanboy.

First we revised our states. The states are simple present, simple continuous and simple future.

Next we wrote a compound sentence about the picture that was shown. We wrote 2 actors, 2 verbs and a fanboy.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt what a coumpound sentence is. I did well on revising the states. I think I need to improve on writing a compound

Email History

We learnt to write a polite and informative email

First we revised on what a polite email needs. a polite email needs a subject, a greeting, a body and a sign off.

Next we revised on what we should choose for our greeting and our sign off. One of the greetings are Dear. One of the sign off is regards.

Lastly we wrote a email on what people have sent us in the last 24 hours.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to learn how to write a polite email. I did well on writing the email. I think I need to improve on where to put the sign off.




We learnt to build word knowledge.

First talked about our prior knowledge about South Pacific Beats.

Next I answered some questions about the book. Then we found some definitions for 15 words.

Then we defined some hard words from the book South Pacific Beats. We used a kids dictionary so we could understand the meanings.

Lastly we made a slide showing hard words. We used synonyms, antonyms and we also wrote it in a sentence. 

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt to build word knowledge . I need to improve on finding synonyms. I think I did well on finding antonyms.


We identify simple unit fractions.

First we took photos of what 2 groups are and what groups of two are. 2 groups are cutting a whole in half. Groups of 2 are objects in a group of twos.

Next we wrote what a fraction is. A fraction has 2 parts the top number is called a numerator. Numerator tells how many equal parts of the whole or collection you have.  The bottom number is called the denominator. The denominator is how many equal parts the whole has been cut into.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt what a fraction is. I did well in identifying what a numorator and a denminator is. I need to improve on what groups of 2 are.