Day: December 19, 2022

SSR Selfie – Tom Gates

I read 13 pages of Tom Gates by Liz Pichon.

I read when Tom is a naughty person in the class and has 3 sad faces on his achievement chart. The achievement chart is what you have been good or bad in class. Tom was the most naughtiest in his class.

I enjoyed this activity becuase I read Tom Gates. I need to improve on reading more slower. I did well at the find words.

Super Seesaw

I created a super seesaw.

First I found the materils which are. Card, ruler, string and a scruntched up paper.

Next I got the ruler I tied the ruler onto the card.

Then I got paper on scruntched it up into to a ball.

I enjoyed this actvity because I created a super seesaw. I need to improve on making a stable super seesaw. I did well at making a super seesaw.