Month: December 2022


I created a tangram shape.

First I picked a tangram to do.

Next I put the shapes int he correct place.

Lastly I took a photo of it.

I enjoyed this activity because I created a tangram shape. I need to improve on picking a harder tangram to do. I did well the correct spots.

Catapult Plane

I created a catapult plane.

First I got the things that were needed. They were tape, ruler, card, paper, rubber band, paper clip and scissors.

Next I cut the card into 2 trangles.

Then I cut the paper into a rectangle and folded it.

Then I got the rubber band and put it into the fold.

After that I taped it.

Lastly I taped everything to make a catapult plane.

I enjoyed this task because I created a catapult plane. I need to improve on making it fly better. I did well at following the steps.

Cool Charecter

I created a charecter with the things that are outside.

First I went outside and got a grass.

Next I put the grass on a piece of paper.

Then I drew around the grass.

I enjoyed this actvity becuase I created a charecter with the things that are outside. I need to improve on drawing my charecter. I did well on finding a grass.

Mars Rover

I created my mars rover.

First I made a the wheels big because the ground on mars in rough.

Next I made a plate so I can put my seat on.

Then I put to rods at the front and back it could be balanced.

Lastly I put a propeller so it could land safety.

I enjoyed this actvity because I made my 0wn rover. I need to improve onmaking it have more things to make it better to stay on mars. I did well at designing the rover.


I created some tunes that are to listen to in the summertime.

First I thought of what to add. I added a drum, guitar, edgy piano and a piano.

Next I thought of a pattern.

Then I had lots of more patterns to make My Hip Hop Summer Beats.

I enjoyed this task because I created some tunes to listen to in the summertime. I need to improve on making it longer. I did well at finding some sounds to put in my beats.


I created a silihoutte.

First I found a picture the I could trace on google drawing.

Next I traced it out. I chose to do a samurai.

Lastly I made it black.

I enjoyed this activity because I created a silihoutte. I need to improve making look like a samurai than shrek. I did well at finding a photo to trace.

SSR Selfie – Tom Gates

I read 13 pages of Tom Gates by Liz Pichon.

I read when Tom is a naughty person in the class and has 3 sad faces on his achievement chart. The achievement chart is what you have been good or bad in class. Tom was the most naughtiest in his class.

I enjoyed this activity becuase I read Tom Gates. I need to improve on reading more slower. I did well at the find words.

Super Seesaw

I created a super seesaw.

First I found the materils which are. Card, ruler, string and a scruntched up paper.

Next I got the ruler I tied the ruler onto the card.

Then I got paper on scruntched it up into to a ball.

I enjoyed this actvity because I created a super seesaw. I need to improve on making a stable super seesaw. I did well at making a super seesaw.

One Line Drawing

I drew a one line drawing.

First I thought of a easy one line animal to draw.

Next I made video of me drawing it.

I enjoyed this task because I drew a one line drawing. I need to improve on making it look better. I did well at drawing the snail.

I could not inset the video because It won’t let me.



I learnt how to read the tempurature and see how long it takes to change from hot water to cold.

First we filled up the sink with hot water and put in our thermometer which was started at 42 degree celsius.

Then we put in some ice packs and went to check on it every 5 minutes. On the 20th minute it stop at 26 degree celsius and from there on it stayed at 26 celsius. The tempurature stayed at 26 celsius because it was the coldest the the sink tap can go.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how long it takes to change from hot water to cold. I did well at checking on it every 5 minutes. I need to improve on finding out why the tempurature stopped at 26 celsius.