
I leanred what transportation is. Transportation. Transportation are machines that carry people or cargo things from one place to another quicker.

First I learned what the 4 modes of transportation is. They are rail, sea, air and land. Land is for vehicles that move on land, Rail is for vehicles the move on rails, air is for vehicles that move in the air and sea is vehicles the move on the water.

Next I found a picture on pixabay and attributed. To attribute I have to add the person who created the photo. Next I need include the sorce. Then I need to add the link to the image. Lastly I need to add the licence.

Lastly I wrote what is transport in my words. I wrote

Transport are machines that carry people or cargo things from one place to another quicker.There are many different kinds of transport such as Air, Land, Sea and rail. There are vehicles for these types of transport such as. 

Land Vehicles. Cars, Bikes, Quads.

Sea Vehicles. Jetski, Boats, Yacht.

Rail Vehicle. Roller Coaster, Bullet train. 

Air Vehicle. Blimp, Jet, Plane.

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