
Today we particapated in a range of hockey skills.

First we learnt how to hold the hockey stick. The first thing you need to do is to put your left hand and put in on the top of the hockey stick. Then you put your right hand and put it on end of the grip.

Next we learnt how to move the ball side to side. The first thing you need to do is go in the hockey postion and hit the ball lightly and losing your right hand and twisting your left hand.

Then we learnt how to a sweep pass. The first thing you need to do is keeping the ball and the end of the stick and when you are ready to hit the ball you need to drag your hockey with ball and then let the ball go. Then we learnt how to push pass you need to do is keeping the ball at the end of the stick and drag the ball lightly on the ground and let the ball go to the person you want to to.

Lastly we did the compertion it was boys vs girls it was 1 score to both teams. I did not hit the cone because I rushed it.

I enjoyed the activity because I learnt some new skills on a new sports. I did well on passing the ball to my partner. I think I need to improve on making sure I aim at my partner.

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