Category: Hanga | Create

Parts of a Clock

The parts of a clock is important for a clock to work and also to tell the time.

The parts of a clock are:

Hour division is the big numbers on the clock.

Minute division is the little numbers on a clock.

Hour hand is the short hand on a clock.

Minute hand is the medium hand on the clock.

Second hand is the skinny hand that moves fast on a clock.

There is a past side and a to side. Anti clockwise goes to the left and clockwise goes to the right.



Parts of a Speech

There are English words that can be catacorized in to 8 or 9 words. The first ones are:

Noun is objects that can be talked about. For example that table is white.

Adjective is words that can  decribe nouns. For example the hard table.

Verbs are action words. For example I am sitting.

Adverbs decribe verbs. For example lets move this table quickly.

Parts of speeches are words used in a sentence.


Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a speed demon challenge. I did up to five because I wanted to see if I still knew my basic facts up to five. I got 7 wrong and 93 correct I got three minutes and four seconds.

I think I need learn the mistakes that I made in the basic facts boxes.

Fact Find

We created a slide to show facts about a drum.

First I choose a drum to find facts about. I chose the djembe drum because djembe drum has interesting facts and it is easy to make an find information that I need.

Next I filled in information about a introduction about the djembe drum, five facts about the djembe drum, images about the djembe drum and where we got the information from.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt some new facts about the djembe drum. Did you know that the djembe drum can take a week to 3 months to make?. I did well on find facts about the djembe drum. I need to improve on writing a introduction.


Imaginitive Recount

I learnt to convert an imaginative recount plan into a draft.

First we choose our ideas for our reveal and wrote it into our recount draft.

Next we wrote our ideas from events 1,2 and 3 into our recount draft. We also had to make conversation in events 2 and 3 and also we started making it exciting in event 2.

Lastly we wrote our ideas from the endings into our recount draft.

I enjoyed this activity because I wrote a recount draft. I did well on making conversations. I need to improve on making sure that I do not write it like a story.

ANZNC Day Quatrefoil

We created a anzac design but on a quatrefoil.

First I drew the design of my idea on to a quatrefoil. I drew the ideas on to the quatrefoil because it shows somthing about anzac day.

Next I colored in the background red. I coloured it red because i shows justice

Then I outlined my drawings to make it look more better. I outlined it because it looked better.

I enjoyed this activity becasue I made a anzac day design on a quatrefoil. I did well on picking the colours. I need to improve colouring inside the lines

Making Connections

We learnt how to make connections with the text and our prior knowledge.

First we used our prior knowledge and looked at a text. My group chose buddy reading.

Next we read the pages 1 and 2. We answered questions about the book.

Lastly we read the last two pages and answered the questions.

I enjoyed this activty because I connected the book to my prior knowledge. I did well on answering the question. I need to improve on reading more slowly



Imaginative Recount

We learnt what a struture of a recount and what the purpose of each part does

First we brainsstormed some ideas. We Brainstormed main charecters, supporting events, supporting charecters and main event. The main charecters are James, Sahil, Patty, Lee and Billy Bob.

Next we used the backwards S plan to write a story as a class.There was a revel, event 1, event 2, event 3 and a ending. The reavel was zombie apocolispe. The event 1 was the family find motorcross bikes. Event 2 was the survior at the gas station. Event 3 was the family run into the horde.

Lastly we wrote some detailed ideas. One of the reveal are. Escaping a zombie apocalypse.

I enjoyed this activity because LS1 made a story as a class. I did well on making ideas. I need to improve on sharing my ideas.

Fact Families

We learnt fact families.

First we wrote our times table from 4x,6x,7x and the 8x. For the 7x you had to make 4 slides. For the 4x you had to make 7 slides. For the 6x you had to make 6x slides. For 8x you had to make 3 slides.

Next we took filled in information.

Then we took photo about the times table we picked.

Groups of 2 are objects in a group of twos. 2 groups is a even number split into half.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to make fact familes. I need to writing the fact family. I did well on choosing the times table.

T Ball Skills

We revised and learned some new T Ball Skills.

First we played a warm up game of noodle tag. We played noodle tag to get in the motion of swinging the bat. There are 3 people with a noodle but they held the pool noodle with 2 hands instead of 1 hand. When you got hit they would have to balance on one leg for 10 seconds.

Next we were taught how to hold the bat. Coach also told us about the leveling  the tee and where to put the tee. To hold the bat you have to put your dominant hand above the non dominant hand. We played a game of real T Ball we also learnt some new rules. You can not be standing in diamond when the batter is hittng the ball. You can only be in the diamond when the ball is hit.

Then we played a T Ball tournement. There were 4 teams, blue dogs, night monkey, purple dinosaur and gray koala.

Lastly we switched teams so it could be even teams.

I enjoyed this activty because a learnt new skills for T Ball. I did well on hitting the ball. I improve on catching the ball.