Month: April 2023

Thank You Letter

LI: To create a thank you to a staff member.


I created a thank you which shows my appreciation to a staff member. I chose Mrs Morris to make a thank you letter. Mrs Morris has done many great things for our school such as coaching our volleyball and netball team.

I found this activity interesting because I of the amazing things that Mrs Morris does.

Collage PBS Life

LI: To create a collage about the PBS Life.

I created a collage which showcases the life at Panmure Bridge School. I used some many old files and some of the work I did in LS2 to create a collage. In my PBS life I have competed and participated in interschools, field trips, camp and EOTC.  I have also appeared to be in several Manaiakalani Films festivals which I am most proud of is the Pokeblade on youtube.

I found this activity interesting becasue I made highlights about my PBS Life.