Day: March 25, 2022


We learnt what is the appropriate clothes to wear at school.

First we disscused what is the correct uniform for school.

The correct uniform is. Black shoes, gray polo shirt, gray shorts or skorts, black hair tie, blue mainfreight hat or LS2 cap and LS2 jackets.

The incorret uniform to wear is White Shoes, Any color shirt, any color socks, Any other coloured shorts or skorts, Red hair tie, Other colours and a Black Jacket.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt what the corret uniform for school is. I need to improve on having the correct uniform on. I did well on what the correct uniform is.



Anzac Day Quatrefoil

I used a anzac day design on a quatrefoil.

First we learnt when and what is anzac day. Anzac day is a commemoration for the soldiers that made a sacrifice for our country.

I made the background red because it show justice.

I put a sword in a rock because I think it it shows someones sacrifice.

I put 4 crosses on each side because I think it shows someones death.

I enjoyed this activity because I designed a quatrefoil as a anzac day design. I need to improve on my layout. I did well on choosing the picture ideas.

Revising and Learn Hockey Skills

We revised and learned new hockey skills.

First we revised how to grip the hockey stick and how to dribble side to side.

Next we learned the standard dribble, the upright stop, jab and the upright pass.

Lastly we raced with our partners using both dribbles.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt some new hockey skills. I did well on jab. I think I need to improve on my upright stop.

Compound Sentence

We learnt how to write a compound sentence. A compound sentence is 2 simple sentences combind together with the use of a fanboy.

First we revised our states. The states are simple present, simple continuous and simple future.

Next we wrote a compound sentence about the picture that was shown. We wrote 2 actors, 2 verbs and a fanboy.

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt what a coumpound sentence is. I did well on revising the states. I think I need to improve on writing a compound