Month: August 2023

Current Events – National

LI: To create events in New Zealand,

We created a map that shows the events that have happened in New Zealand. We used words such as Impact, Timelessness. Magnitude, Emotion and many more We used 5 events, Our events were Auckland Airport, Mosque, Te Wanga, New Plymouth, Christ. These were some of the most important events that have happened in New Zealand from the 100 years.

Interschool Netball

LI: To Represent our school in a competition.

Every tuesday I play in a netball interschool competition. Our netball team is called the PBS Panthers, We have won 4 games out of 6 and will hopefully win more. The position that I play is wing attack (WA). This position requires to get the ball down the court to your shooters as quick as possibly. This   I need to defend the Wing Defence (WD) from getting the ball to there shooters. I think in my team I mostly get a lot of interceptions and get the ball back from the opposition.

I found it exciting that I get to form bonds with my teammates and play the game of netball.


Polynesian Panthers/Hero Parade

LI: To learn the history behind a place in New Zealand

Our challenge in this activity was to reasrch and find what happened in a place in New Zealand. We picked out a card and read a pepeha that was behind the card and gave us hints to where this place was in NZ. The card we picked was revolution and it was located on ponsonby road. In our card there were 2 stories Polynesian Panthers and Hero Parade. Here of some interesting facts we found from the polynesian Panthers. Melani Anae was 17 years old when she thought about creating the Polynesian Panthers Party. She went to her friends house to discuss about this serious act. She started asking people in her school if they wanted to join the polynesian panthers protest on ponsonby road. The group was made up of 16 and 17 yrs. If I got the chance to be invited to the polynesian Panthers I would accept because I would want to stick for my culture.

The interesting fact we found from the Hero Parade wasIn 1981 the prime minister made a new law declaring that it is illegal to be gay / have relations with someone as the same gender. If caught buying a house as a gay couple they would be sentenced to 14 years in prison. Nowadays in New Zealand its legal to  in a relationship. I would be afraid to be arrested for 14 years because I wouldn’t see my family for a very long time

This activity was exciting because I learnt the story of the Polynesian Panthers and The Hero Parade.